Pr Emin Bayraktar, enseignant chercheur à ISAE-Supméca et au laboratoire Quartz au sein du thème Tribologie et Matériaux, vous invite à la 11e International Conference on Advances in Machinery, Material Science and Engineering Application (MMSE 2025) qui se tiendra à Shanghai, Chine, du 25 au 27 juillet 2025.
The main theme of the upcoming 11th MMSE World Congress will be focusing attention on the importance of considering the emerging technology in mechanical engineering and advanced materials, especially in advanced manufacturing technology, to address present and future challenges. At MMSE you’ll experience stimulating innovation from basic discovery to translational application of new approaches and foster collaborations that engage engineers and partners not only from academia, but also from international laboratories, industry and government funding bodies.
The MMSE 2025 publishes peer-reviewed original papers that advance understanding of both the fundamentals of engineering science and its application to the solution of problems in different tracks for participants.
It’s the place for you to present your latest technical research and expertise, while also learning from and connecting with thousands of your peer researchers on a global level.
MMSE 2025 Cooperates with
- ISAE-Supméca, France
- French University of Technology (UTBM), France
- University of Hudersfield, UK
- Liverpool John Moores University, UK
- Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Moldova State University, Moldova
- Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco
- University of Genova, Italy
- China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China
- Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology, China
- Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
The MMSE publishes peer-reviewed original papers that advance understanding of both the fundamentals of engineering science and its application to the solution of problems in different tracks for participants. She has an international reputation for excellence and is regarded as core material for every engineering collection. All submitted papers considered suitable for MMSE are subjected to rigorous peer review to ensure the highest levels of quality. Submissions of a multidisciplinary nature or in new and emerging areas are also welcome, such as:
- Advanced Mechanical Design and Simulation
- Advanced Materials
- Automation and Robotics
- Advanced Manufacturing and Testing
- Optical Precision Manufacturing and Processing
- Instrument Science and Technology
- Electronics Optics & Control
- Aerospace Equipment
- Microelectronic Optics
- Intelligent Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Special Equipment
- ……
Find more details please go to www.mmseconf.com
Accepted papers will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, et al., and published in MMSE2025 conference proceedings.
You may submit your manuscript now or up 30 June 2025 to mmseconf@163.com. Submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Conference Chairs
Emin Bayraktar (ISAE-Supméca)
Seeram Ramakrishna (National University of Singapore)
Important Date
Full Submission Dates: 30 June 2025
Registration Deadline: 10 July 2025
Conference Date: 25-27 July 2025
Contact Us
Dr. Min Chen
Email: mmseconf@163.com
Phone Number: +86 18062721847
Conference Website: www.mmseconf.com