Pr Emin Bayraktar, enseignant chercheur à ISAE-Supméca et au laboratoire Quartz au sein du thème Tribologie et Matériaux, vous invite à l’édition 2024 de la conférence AMPT (International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies) qui se tiendra du 30 octobre au 3 novembre à Istanbul, Türkiye.
About AMPT
The Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT) conference series provides a forum for academics, researchers, and practicing engineers to meet and exchange innovative ideas and information on all aspects of material processing technologies. It was founded in 1990 at the Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland and since then being held in many different countries around the globe.
Achievement of industrial advancements along with enhancing sustainable development largely depends on the progress of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
The AMPT2024 conference covers the following ten main areas :
- Energy Materials and Processing
- Materials Science and Processing
- Forming Processes
- Machining Processes
- Precision Engineering and Metrology
- Micro- and Nano-Technology
- Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
- Additive Manufacturing
- Modeling and Simulation
- Sustainability and Innovation.
A combination of diverse disciplines is also welcome.