École d’ingénierie mécanique et numérique

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AMPT 2013 – Taiwan

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Emin Bayraktar, Professeur des universités à Supméca et membre du « steering committee » de l’AMPT 2013, vous invite à assister au prochain congrès AMPT 2013 qui se déroulera à Taiwan du 22 au 26 septembre 2013.


Prof. You-Min Huang, Chairman of Executive organizing Committee – AMPT2013, and Prof. Saleem Hashmi, Chairman, Steering Committee – AMPT Conference Series;
Invite you to attend to AMPT2013 – The 16th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies-AMPT. It will be held in Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 22th-26th September 2013, hosted by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Taipei Chapter Taiwan. Please find detail of the conference in website: http://ampt2013.me.ntust.edu.tw


Deadline for Submission of Abstract (within 500 words): 31 January 2013
Deadline for Submission of Full Paper: 16 April 2013


Areas of Interest
The scope of the conference will cover all aspects of materials processing in particular metals, ceramics, polymers, fibers, etc. Further details are on http://ampt2013.me.ntust.edu.tw


All papers will be peer reviewed and the accepted papers will be published in one of the special issues of SCI – indexed journals: Advanced Material Research (EI-indexed) Journal. Selected papers will be referred to other SCI-indexed journals including the Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Journal of Machining Science and Technology.

Please, do not be indecisive to contact Emin Bayraktar if you need more information about this conference.