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International cooperation between ISAE-Supméca (Paris, France), University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Wels, Austria), University of Naples Federico II (Naples, Italy)

Partners | Goals | Labs members | Research Topics | History | Suniswell Research Activities | Highlights | Recent Joint Publications | Other Significant Publications | Best paper awards | Collaborative projects



  • ISAE-Supméca, Paris, France
    IS2M research team, Laboratoire QUARTZ (Prof. Choley)
  • University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
    Computer Geometric Modelling and Simulation (COGITO) Lab (Prof. Patalano)
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria
    SMART MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING Research Group (Prof. Hehenberger)



Founded in 2019, based on previous long-term scientific collaborations between three international research teams, Suniswell’s mission is to propose Mechatronics Design in Research, Education and Knowledge Transfer to Industry. The three universities benefit from mutual exchange in the context of workshops, PhD courses, joint student projects… and take research on Mechatronics Digitalization to the next level.

The scientific cooperation leads to extensive projects on a European level together with industrial and academic partners.


With dedicated Worging Group, the main focal areas of the cooperation are

  • WG 1: Agility-based Hybridization
  • WG 2: Human-centric Design and reconfiguration of manufacturing systems in the Industry 4.0 and 5.0 context
  • WG 3 : Integrated Sustainable Design:
  • WG 4 (Junior WG): Digital Twin
  • WG 5: AI for Mechatronics

Members from 3 different lab

IS2M research team, laboratoire QUARTZ

ISAE-Supméca (permanents) :

  Jean-Yves CHOLEY

Professor at ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, France

Member of Laboratoire Quartz, within the Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Jean-Yves Choley obtained a Master degree in Mechanics and Automation and a Master of Advanced Studies in automated manufacturing from ENS Cachan, France (recently renamed ENS Paris-Saclay). He obtained a Ph.D. degree of Industrial Engineering in 2005 from Ecole Centrale Paris, France (recently renamed CentraleSupélec), related to ISO GPS mechanical tolerancing and 3D metrology. He gained industry operational experience (1986-1988) in systems engineering and quality & reliability at Arianespace company, Kourou (French Guyana), France, working both on ground facilities and satellites launchers Ariane 1 to 4.

Professor at ISAE-Supméca, France, responsible of IS2M (Ingénierie des Systèmes Mécatroniques et Multiphysiques) research team of Quartz laboratory, he is in charge of research and teaching activities focusing mainly on tools, languages and methodologies for the collaborative design of complex systems such as mechatronic systems, CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems) and CPPS (Cyber-Physical Production Systems).

In the past 10 years, he mainly focused on Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Model-Based Safety Assessment (MBSA) and the digital twin concept, together with multiphysics modeling for the collaborative design of safety critical mechatronic systems, such as autonomous vehicle and factory of the future production systems (4.0 and 5.0).

  Thierno DIALLO

Associate – professor at ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, France

Member of  Quartz Laboratory, within the Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Dr. Thierno DIALLO is Associate Professor at ISAE-Supméca since 2016. He holds an engineering degree in Industrial Engineering (ENSA, Fès 2011), a Master Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (INSA, Lyon 2012) and a PhD in Industrial Engineering (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University).

His research activities focus on the exploitation of Big Data in industry applied to prediction and diagnosis, decision support methods and the management of the adaptability and scalability of Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS).


  Moncef HAMMADI

Associate Professor – HDR

ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France

Laboratoire Quartz/ Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Moncef Hammadi holds an MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Engineering School of Sfax, which he obtained in 2008. He earned his PhD in Industrial Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Paris (University of Paris Saclay) in 2012. In 2021, he achieved the qualification to supervise research from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC).

Since 2012, Moncef Hammadi has been serving as an associate professor at ISAE-Supmeca Paris. His research activities are part of the Ingénierie de Systèmes Mécatroniques et Multiphysiques (IS2M) team within the QUARTZ laboratory.

His focus encompasses complex systems modeling, multi-physics simulation, multi-disciplinary optimization, and inter-disciplinary collaborative design methodologies for the development of mechatronic and cyber-physical systems.


  Faïda MHENNI

Associate Professor at ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France.

Member of  Laboratoire Quartz, within the Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Faïda MHENNI received an engineering degree in electromechanical engineering in 2002 from ENIS (National Engineering School) in Sfax, Tunisia. She also received a MSc degree in mechanical engineering in 2004 from ENIM (National Engineering School), in Monastir, Tunisia.

She holds a Phd degree in mechanical engineering in 2010 from the ENIM (National Engineering School), in Monastir, Tunisia and a Phd in Industrial Engineering in 2014 from Ecole Centrale de Paris (currently University of Paris Saclay).

Her main research topics are systems engineering (MBSE), Safety, digital twin, mechatronic design and multi-physics conceptual design.


  Dr. Ing. HDR (accreditation to supervise research) Olivia PENAS

Research engineer, Research Deputy Director

ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France

Laboratoire Quartz/ Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Olivia Penas received his MSc in Material Science Engineering in 1999, PhD in Physics of Materials (Smart Space composites) in 2002 from INSA Lyon (France), and HDR degree (French habilitation to supervise PhD) in 2019. She was the Head of the Research Technical Support Teams of Supmeca in 2006, then the Deputy Director of LISMMA Laboratory in 2013 and Research Deputy Director of Supmeca (Paris) since 2015.

Her main research topics are systems engineering (MBSE), agility, knowledge management/ontologies, digital twin, design metrics, mechatronic design and multi-physics conceptual design.



Associate Professor

ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France

Member of Laboratoire Quartz, within the Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Régis Plateaux obtained a Master of Advanced Studies in automated manufacturing from ENS Cachan, France (today ENS Paris-Saclay). He obtained a Ph.D. degree of Industrial Engineering in 2011 from Ecole Centrale Paris, France (today CentraleSupélec), related to the guaranty of the consistency and the continuity during mechatronic design process by the means of analogy, topology and algebraic topology.

Associate Professor at ISAE-Supméca, France, he is head of the Mechatronic and Complex System (MSC) department. His teaching activities address tools, languages and methodologies for the collaborative and agile design of complex systems, on Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), the digital twin concept, and multiphysics modeling.

His main research topics focus on:

  • Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
  • Agile Design
  • Modeling and simulation of complex, mechatronic and cyber and cyber-physical systems and their digital twins
  • Traceability of designs and simulations
  • Coherence of Topologies and Interactions
  • Knowledge management



Dr. Ing.

ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France

Quartz Laboratory / Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Main research topics focus on :

  • Systems engineering: MBSE and MBSA
  • Topological modeling of multi-physical systems
  • Collaborative design : Category Theory
  • 3D modeling of mechatronic systems (CAO)
  • Digital Twin



Associate Professor

ISAE-Supméca, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France

Member of Quartz Laboratory, within the Mechatronics and Multiphysics Systems Engineering (IS2M) research team


Romain Delabeye is an Associate Professor at Quartz Laboratory. He received a Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, mechatronics and complex systems from ISAE-Supméca, France, and a Master’s degree in autonomous vehicles dynamics and control from Cranfield University, UK. In 2024, he obtained a Ph.D in mechanical engineering and signal processing from Paris-Saclay University and CentraleSupélec, focusing on the unsupervised separation of actuator signatures from non-intrusive sensors in industrial processes, and applications to the energy sustainability of heterogeneous systems.

His main research topics focus on:

  • Multiphysics model synthesis
  • Physics-informed machine learning
  • Blind source separation
  • Experimental vibration mechanics
  • Signal and image processing
  • Knowledge capitalization and ontologies
  • Digital twin applications



PhD student

INSA CVL, Bourges, France & ISAE-SUPMECA, Saint Ouen sur Seine, France & Safran Seats, Issoudun, France.

Imane Bouhali is a mechatronic engineer and a third-year Ph.D. student at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Bourges), in collaboration with the High Institute of Mechanics (ISAE-SUPMECA Paris). Imane completed Engineering degree at Mechatronics, in addition of a Master degree from the High National School of Paris Saclay (ENS) at Complex Systems Control. Her research explores the multi-physics simulation, tackling discipline-specific modeling and co-simulation problems. In addition of the use of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in the context of the Digital Twin concept, operated in the development process. From a practical side, Imane is working at Safran Seats company, to put her research into practice.

Keywords: Digital Twin, MBSE, Mechatronics, Mulitphysics, Simulation.


  Grégoire GALISSON

PhD student

ISAE-SUPMECA, Saint-Ouen sur Seine, France

Grégoire is a thermal engineer and PhD student at ISAE-SUPMECA. He has three years of experience working on multiphysics simulation methodology for designing complex systems. His research focuses on enhancing simulation accuracy and efficiency and also aims to bridge the gap between MBSE and physical simulation.

Keywords : Simulation ; Thermal ; Multiphysics, MBSE, Digital Twin

Computer Geometric Modelling and Simulation (COGITO) Lab

COGITO Lab provides methods and software tools for engineering design of mechanical and mechatronic systems. In particular, the main tasks of COGITO Lab deal with 3D CAD Parametric Modelling, using top-down or bottom-up approaches, Digital Mock-up Simulations, Digital Prototyping, and FE Simulations. Other tasks deal with Industrial Engineering Design such as Assembly Oriented Design, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT) for rigid and deformable assemblies, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Requirement-Functional-Logical-Physical (RFLP) design, MATLAB-based modeling and simulation of multi-domain industrial systems.



  Stanislao PATALANO

Full Professor

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy

Stanislao Patalano received the master’s degree in mechanical engineering cum laude at the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) in 1997 and a PhD degree in Machine Design and Construction in 2001. From 1999 he was first Researcher and then Associate Professor of Design Methods for Industrial Engineering. Since 2018, he is Full Professor of Design Methods for Industrial Engineering. From 2011 to 2022, he was responsible for the research activities of the Dept. of Industrial Engineering within PON Projects DIGIPAT (Digital Pattern Product Development), ICOSAF (Integrated Collaborative Systems for Smart Factories) and H2020 Project ENERMAN (ENERgy-efficient manufacturing system MANagement).

His research interests include CAD Methodologies, Knowledge-Based Engineering and Digital Prototyping, Variational Analysis and Tolerance Design, Object Oriented Programming and Simulation, Mechatronic System Design.

  Ferdinando VITOLO

Assistant Professor

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


Ferdinando Vitolo is Assistant Professor of Design Methods for Industrial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. He obtained his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (cum laude) from the University of Naples Federico II in 2012. From 2012 to 2014 he collaborated with the University of Naples Federico II in the National Project: « PON 01_1268, Digital Pattern Product Development; a pattern-driven approach for industrial product design, simulation and manufacturing ». After his PhD in Industrial Engineering, in 2017 he won a postdoctoral fellowship for activity research on  » Human-robot collaboration: modelling and design of workplace and device.

His main research interests are focused on MBSE and KBE, mechanical design, GD&T, advanced CAD modelling methodologies, and mechatronic systems, which is reflected in his courses on technical drawing, concept design of new vehicles and digital modelling of systems.

  Andrea REGA


University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


Andrea Rega is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II (UNINA).
During his Ph.D. in clinical and experimental medicine, his major research activities concerned the designing and manufacturing of patient-specific medical devices.
From 2019 to 2021, he worked within the National Project PON ARS01_00861 – Integrated Collaborative systems for Smart Factory (ICOSAF), in collaboration with the Fraunhofer J-Lab IDEAS, Dept. of Industrial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II.

He is currently involved in EnerMan – ENERgy efficient manufacturing system MANagement – Horizon 2020 project, G.A. 958478, EU funded project that aims to allow the Factory of the Future to predict and manage its energy consumption in an efficient and autonomous way.

His research interests include Human-Robot Collaboration, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Digital Twin, and Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems.


PhD Student

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


Agnese Pasquariello is a Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering at the University of Naples, Federico II.
She received her master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, in 2019. Later, she worked as manufacturing engineering in an aircraft company for a year. From 2020 to 2021 she collaborated with the University of Naples Federico II on the PON Project ARS01_00861, Integrated Collaborative systems for Smart Factory (ICOSAF).

Her major research interests include Systems Engineering, Model Based Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering and Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems.

  Francesco Giuseppe CIAMPI

PhD Student

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


Francesco Giuseppe Ciampi is a Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II and his research activities are part of a joint programme between the IDEAS-Cogito and Quartz laboratories. He received the master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering for Design and Manufacturing cum laude in 2022. He collaborated with the University of Naples Federico II within EnerMan – ENERgy efficient manufacturing system MANagement – Horizon 2020 project, G.A. 958478, working to the development of an AR platform for operator’s energy awareness.

His research topics concern data-driven models enhanced by physical knowledge, human-robot collaboration in manufacturing and Augmented Reality interfaces.


  FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Peter Hehenberger

Professor for Integrated Product Development and Head of the Smart Mechatronics Engineering Research Group

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria

School of Engineering, Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600 Wels, Austria

Dr. Peter Hehenberger is Professor for Integrated Product Development and Scientific Partner of the Institute for Agile Transformation at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. He leads the “Smart Mechatronics Engineering” Research Group. Core research interests cover “Sustainability in Development and Production of Mechatronic Systems” and “Engineering Processes” along with topics on “Digital Transformation”. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conference proceedings and been guest editor for three journal special issues. Dr. Hehenberger is active in the research community where he is refers to his research area of “Mechatronic Design” as group member of IFIP WG5.1 “Global Product development for the whole life-cycle” and IFAC TC 4.2 “Mechatronic Systems”. He is Austrian representative and Communications Publications & Events Officer for IFIP TC 5 “Information Technology Applications”. He serves as an Editorial Board Member for the “IFAC Journal Mechatronics”, “Computer-Aided Design and Applications” and “International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management” (IJPLM).

  Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Leherbauer

Research Associate

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria

School of Engineering, Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600 Wels, Austria

Dominik Leherbauer studied « Mechatronics and Business Management » at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees with distinction. He was awarded the performance scholarship several times for his academic achievements during his studies. Since his graduation in Sep 2021, he authored two conference and one journal paper.

Since 2021 and ongoing, he is employed in a H2020 EU project dealing with the implementation of energy-efficient manufacturing. Although the project is an Innovation Action, important research topics could already be identified in the context. Existing experience includes the formal description and modelling of real production facilities for energy-efficient modelling. Current project activities will address the integration of sensor data into energy-relevant simulations.

  Simon Merschak BSc MSc

Research Associate and a PhD Candidate

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria

School of Engineering, Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600 Wels, Austria

Simon Merschak is Research Associate at the School of Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Wels, Austria. Currently he is finishing his PhD Thesis in the field of “Life Cycle Assessment” at Graz University of Technology. He finished his university degree MSc in Automation Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Wels in 2016. His core competencies cover “Sustainable Product Development”, “Life Cycle Assessment” and “Numeric Simulation of Mechatronic Components” and include the optimization and metrological verification of mechatronic systems. He attended international conferences in Austria, Spain, France the Netherlands and Japan and published in several peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.


Research Topics

New Context of Mechatronics and beyond

  • Industry 5.0 (including human-centric, cobotics)
  • Agile Transformation
  • EcoMechatronics
  • AI and Mechatronics
  • Digital transformation and continuity
  • ..

4 categories, within mechatronic system design 


  • Digital product development
  • Simulation architecture
  • RFLP
  • Early V&V


  • Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) for requirements definition and system architecting (functions, components, etc.) with a holistic view ;
  • Top Down, Bottom Up and hybrid methodologies for analyses and syntheses of complex systems architectures;
  • Architecture evaluation (metrics, multi-physics) ;
  • Agile design methods;
  • Ontologies based methods;
  • Model-based Safety Assessment (MBSA)
  • Modeling consistency in a multidisciplinary context, based on category theory and graphs theory ;

Tools and languages

  • SysML language with Catia Magic tool (ex-Cameo System Modeler)
  • Dymola and OMEdit for Modelica multidomains and multiphysics modeling and simulation;
  • Digital twin development and usage
    • DT architecture;
    • Surrogate multiphysics modeling;
    • 3D modeling (Catia and 3D Experience);
    • Knowledge capitalization and reuse management
  • Areas of applications and case studies:
    • Industry 4.0 (CPPS, Digital twin) and 5.0 (human centric, etc.)
    • Mechatronics Integration for Advanced Manufacturing
    • Mechatronic product design
    • Robotics, cobotics
    • UAV
    • Aerospace



  • Joint working activities since more than 10 years, with common research projects (LCM for example), master students’ internships, master courses…
  • 2019: Establishing SUNISWELL as a platform for official cooperation

Suniswell Research Activities

  • Working group on Agility-based Hybridization : SCRUM++ framework, requirements management in an agile context
  • WG on Topic 2
  • DT junior working group
  • H2020 ENERMAN (with the link to EnerMan project) :
    • Holistic System Modelling and Analysis for Energy-Aware Production

Design of a multi-physics dynamic co-simulation architecture for a digital twin applied to an aircraft passenger seat test bench

Imane BOUHALI PhD Research



The use of simulation from the beginning of a complex system design project becomes essential to ensure the quality of the proposed solution. However, it is necessary to be able to take into account and couple a heterogeneity of models often associated to different views of a solution in order to verify the performances of the system. The subject of this thesis is to realize a digital twin of the experimental test bench of an aircraft passenger seat developed by Safran Seats. This digital twin must be correlated to the functional and dysfunctional behaviors of the test bench to be able to make improvements of this test bench thanks to the emulation of its environment and the simulation of the digital twin which must remain faithful during the tests on the test bench, under real conditions of use and this by integrating an adaptive model in the digital twin.


Key words 

# Digital twin

# Testbench


# Multiphysics

# Development Cycle

Development of a multi-physics simulation methodology

Grégoire Galisson PhD Student 



The design of electronic equipment involves different stages of development, from the macroscopic definition of elementary functions to the final qualification test. At these different stages, many critical decisions have to be made. They must be based on an in-depth analysis of all the physical phenomena that govern the operation and life of the product. Simulation allows us to study these phenomena in greater or lesser detail and to improve the designs in relation to them. The numerical models must provide a system and multiphysics vision of the equipment as early as possible in the course of our developments in order to better orientate the design of our products. The objective of the thesis is to set up a methodology for the construction of multiphysics simulations. The objective of the thesis is to set up a methodology for the construction of multiphysics simulations. To answer this problem, two main axes must be treated.  The organisational axis, from the specifications of the system to be modelled and the needs of analysis, a specification of the models are declined (inputs/outputs of the model, functional and environmental fields of application, physics in play, exchange formats between physics, temporal aspects and tools). The modelling axis, the notion of multiphysics modelling implies the coupling between different domains, the coupling of reduced models within a system modelling opens the possibility of a multiphysics system platform.



# Multiphysics



# Methodology

# System Engineering

Unsupervised synthesis of interpretable multiphysics energy models from non-intrusive sensor data

Romain Delabeye, PhD Student  


Suniswell contribution : Scalable Identification, Verification and Validation of Scientific Approaches on Heterogeneous Systems in a Sustainable Manufacturing Context



With the ever-increasing complexity of Industry 4.0 systems and factory energy management requirements, energy management systems (EnMS) have drawn much attention in recent years. A trend reinforced by the recent energy crisis. In this context, the EU-funded EnerMan project develops an antonomous and holistic EnMS, or « Energy Digital Twin », extensible to the whole manufacturing industry. This EnMS suffers from the lack of models for the cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) factory pilots operate within their plants. The contribution of this thesis is thus twofold: (i) learning interpretable multiphysics energy models from sensor data, and (ii) develop a methodology to ensure the applicability, extensibility, verification and validation of scientific approaches from laboratory systems to industrial use cases.

Focusing on the latter aspect, an MBSE analysis made it possible to specify and position this research in the context of the project. With 22 academic and industrial project partners spread over 10 countries, this approach allowed to identify interactions between research teams, research topics and techniques, as well as technological building blocks to develop.

Furthermore, verification and validation (V&V) should be thought – from the earliest design phases – as applicable to all targeted use cases (beyond the ones that are the most accessible) and similar applications. In practice, V&V activities encounter multiple difficulties: wide domain of application, low availability of the industrial systems, cost of experiments, time required to implement reliable V&V processes. With a view to cope with these limitations, an automated and scalable V&V process for heterogeneous systems and applications was developed. An ontology was designed to formally represent the use cases and scientific approaches to be validated. This methodology leverages reasoning to assess the extent to which such a scientific approach can be verified on a laboratory system (selected using semantic similarity with respect to the industrial use cases) different from the industrial scenarios on which it must finally be validated. A recommendation system (pinpointing missing components or interactions) was designed to augment the systems so as to increase the degree of validation of the studied scientific approach and its ability to scale to other use cases.  This methodology was extended to assess the applicability of an EnerMan component to an industrial use case. This approach, coined WONKA, has been implemented and tested upon a laboratory system (instrumented automatic coffee machine) and industrial use cases (a vehicle testbed’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, and a chocolate production line).



# Verification & Validation


# Ontology

# Scalability

# Energy Sustainability

# Heterogeneous Systems

# Knowledge Representation and Reasoning


Digital Twin Core: Multi-physics Modelling of Sustainable Aircraft Systems

Pasquariello Agnese, PhD Student

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy



The main goal of the PhD research activity is to develop a methodology for the integrated design of on-board hybrid or electric aircraft systems. The methodology will be applied and tested for the design of a Liquid Hydrogen Storage System (LHSS) and its integration in a new regional civil aircraft of 90 seats. The methodology will include processes, methods and tools based on Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach. In particular, the research activity will focus on the usage of Requirements, Functional, Logical and Physical approach to support the design of the LHSS. Finally, the research activity will integrate the Digital Twin key features into the developed methodology aiming to combine physical systems with digital models through advanced sensors and communication networks.



# Model Based Systems Engineering

# Hydrogen Aircraft

# Requirements Traceability

# Integration

# Digital-Twin

AI-based forecasting models applied to industrial energy-intensive context. Integration of prediction systems within the development of AR-based platform for energy sustainability awareness and Life-Long Learning

Francesco Giuseppe Ciampi

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory IDEAS (Interactive DEsign And Simulation), P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy



The main goal of the PHD research activity is to investigate the use of data-driven models for energy consumption forecasting in industrial contexts and, at the same time, to find alternative ways of visualising this information that would allow the operator, on the one hand, to be more aware of the energetic aspects, while, on the other hand, to remain in contact with the surrounding environment. In terms of forecasting models, this study focuses on the AI-based approaches, an increasingly common solution, especially for its potential in terms of modelling non-linear problems. It also tries to find a solution to the main problem of black box models, which is the physical interpretation. For the visualization, instead, Augmented reality represents a particularly suitable approach, and the aim is to investigate its potential and limitations both from a functional point of view, such as real-time data visualisation or interactivity, and from an ergonomic point of view, such as cognitive load.



# Artificial Intelligence

# Extended Reality

# Energy sustainability 

Development of a method framework for the carbon footprint calculation of small powertrains in the early development phases

Simon Merschak, PhD Student 

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria



Main Research Questions :

  • How strong is the influence of different life cycle phases on the product carbon footprint when alternative powertrain concepts are used?
  • What data is required for the carbon footprint calculation of powertrains?
  • What possible data sources are available in companies? 



# Life Cycle Assessment

# Conceptual Design

# Product development

Towards Model-based Demand-Side Management in Manufacturing

Dominik Leherbauer, PhD Student 

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria



The thesis aims to exploit DSM potential in manufacturing and create a basis for DSM systems in electricity-intensive production. It addresses the interrelation between energy efficiency and flexibility, providing intelligent energy planning for different horizons to enable renewable energy penetration. Expected results include consumer behavior models, energy flow decomposition, and constraint mapping. This will reduce carbon emissions and contribute to global warming targets.


Key words

# Energy Flexibility

# Demand-Side Management



  • International Suniswell Workshops on SMART MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Wels, (with location), with links to each workshop poster (see Andrea)
  • PhD short courses list
  • Internship (a list of previous internships, with names of students and title of activity) :
    • Francesco CIAMPI (Febraury 2022 – June 2022), Development of a prediction tool for energy consumption of a workshop
    • Agnese PASQUARIELLO (March 2018 – July 2018), Model Model Consistency Analysis for Mechatronic Systems Design
    • Marco BIRRA (March 2018 – July 2018)
    • Alessia IODICE
    • Alessandro ESPOSITO
    • Etc.


Recent Joint Publications

  • Mhenni F., Vitolo F., Rega A., Plateaux R., Hehenberger P., Patalano S., Choley J.-Y. (2022): “Heterogeneous Models Integration for Safety Critical Mechatronic Systems and Related Digital Twin Definition: Application to a Collaborative Workplace for Aircraft Assembly”, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 2787.
  • Mule S., Hehenberger P., Plateaux R., Penas O., Patalano S., Vitolo F. (2021): “An approach and an illustrative case study for a hybrid development process in mechatronic system design”, Int. J. Product Lifecycle Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2021 265-289
  • Hehenberger, P., Leherbauer, D., Penas, O., Delabeye, R., Patalano, S., Vitolo, F., … & Katrakazas, P. (2023). Holistic System Modelling and Analysis for Energy-Aware Production: An Integrated Framework. Systems, 11(2), 100.
  • Plateaux, R., Penas, O., Mule, S., Hehenberger, P., Patalano, S., & Vitolo, F. (2020, October). SCRUM++ Framework concepts. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Mule, S., Plateaux, R., Hehenberger, P., Penas, O., Patalano, S., & Vitolo, F. (2020). A new agile hybridization approach and a set of related guidelines for mechatronic product development. In Product Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X: 17th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2020, Rapperswil, Switzerland, July 5–8, 2020, Revised Selected Papers 17 (pp. 618-633). Springer International Publishing.
  • Mhenni, F., Penas, O., Hammadi, M., Choley, J. Y., & Hehenberger, P. (2018, April). Systems engineering approach for the conjoint design of mechatronic products and their manufacturing systems. In 2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Barbedienne, R., Penas, O., Choley, J. Y., & Hehenberger, P. (2019). Modeling framework for a consistent integration of geometry knowledge during conceptual design. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 19(2).
  • Plateaux, R., Penas, O., Barbedienne, R., Hehenberger, P., Choley, J. Y., & Warniez, A. (2017). Use of technologically and topologically related surfaces (TTRS) geometrical theory for mechatronic design ontology. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 14(5), 595-609.
  • Penas, O., Plateaux, R., Patalano, S., & Hammadi, M. (2017). Multi-scale approach from mechatronic to Cyber-Physical Systems for the design of manufacturing systems. Computers in Industry, 86, 52-69.
  • Warniez, A., Penas, O., Choley, J. Y., & Hehenberger, P. (2016). Metrics Generation Process for Mechatronics. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 28(1), 50-60.
  • Plateaux, R., Penas, O., Hehenberger, P., Hammadi, M., Mhenni, F., Warniez, A., & Choley, J. Y. (2015, September). Needs for a 3D enriched ontology for mechatronic systems design. In 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 253-260). IEEE.


Other Significant Publications:

[UNINA] Vitolo, F.; Rega, A.; Di Marino, C.; Pasquariello, A.; Zanella, A.; Patalano, S. Mobile Robots and Cobots Integration: A Preliminary Design of a Mechatronic Interface by Using MBSE Approach. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 419.


[UNINA] Rega, A.; Di Marino, C.; Pasquariello, A.; Vitolo, F.; Patalano, S.; Zanella, A.; Lanzotti, A. Collaborative Workplace Design: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Promote Human–Robot Collaboration and Multi-Objective Layout Optimization. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 12147.


[UNINA] Ottorino Veneri, Clemente Capasso, Stanislao Patalano, Experimental investigation into the effectiveness of a super-capacitor based hybrid energy storage system for urban commercial vehicles, Applied Energy, Volume 227, 2018, Pages 312-323,


[FHOOE] Hehenberger P, Habib M., Bradley D. (2022): „EcoMechatronics: Challenges for Evolution, Development and Sustainability”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


[FHOOE]  Zheng C., Wang Z., Qin X., Eynard B., Hehenberger P., Li J., Bai J., Zhang Y. (2021): “Integrated design for product–service systems: a focus on multi-disciplinary interface”, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1794077


[FHOOE] Einsiedler S., Mule S., Rau C., Hehenberger P., Roth K. (2022): “A macro-level process model for integrating agile approaches in the design of product-service systems”, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 70-92


[ISAE-Supméca] Tliba, K., Diallo, T.M.L., Penas, O. et al. Digital twin-driven dynamic scheduling of a hybrid flow shop. J Intell Manuf 34, 2281–2306 (2023).


[ISAE-Supméca] I. Bouhali, V. Idasiak; J. Martinez; F. Mhenni; J-Y. Choley; L. Palladino; F. Kratz, « A Collaboration Framework Using Digital Twin for Dynamic Simulation and Requirements Verification Based on MBSE and the MIC Concept, » 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/SysCon61195.2024.10553495.


[ISAE-Supméca] Amal Allagui, Imen Belhadj, Régis Plateaux, Moncef Hammadi, Olivia Penas, Nizar Aifaoui, “Reinforcement learning for disassembly sequence planning optimization,Computers in Industry”, Volume 151, 2023, 103992, ISSN 0166-3615,


Best paper awards : ADM 2024, Palermo


Titre : Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Industrial Applications: a Case Study in Thermal Power Prediction of an AHU for a Topcoat Process

Auteurs : Francesco Giuseppe Ciampi, Andrea Rega, Thierno M.L. Diallo, and
Stanislao Patalano

Conférence : International Conference ADM2024, September 11th – 13th, Palermo (Italy)

ADM2024 International Conference – PALERMO (Italy)


Collaborative projects


The 3 research teams of SUNISWELL have been heavily involved in EnerMan H2020 project (Energy Efficient Manufacturing System Management). See: